Saturday, May 31, 2008

Teaching Materials for grades K-4

There are many books and materials available for teaching Spanish in the primary grades. An author whom I have really enjoyed is Violeta Denou, creator of the TEO series.

Each title in the collection contains a teaching guide with objectives and activities to stimulate students' interests, and creativity. The following titles are recommended for ages 5-8.

Teo en tren. Teo descubre el mundo.
Teo se disfraza. Teo descubre el mundo.
Teo en avión. Teo descubre el mundo.
ABC. El Abecedario de Teo.
Teo y las vocales.Coleccion las letras. (5 libros)
Teo en la Piscina. Teo descubre el mundo.
Teo va al circo. Teo descubre el mundo.
Teo y sus travesuras.Teo descubre el mundo
¿Qué hora es, Teo?
Teo juega con las herramientas.

This collection may be ordered online through:

Instituto Cervantes
Instituto Cervantes de Nueva York
Actividades culturales
Nueva York
English Español




Instituto Cervantes
211-215 East 49th Street
10017 Nueva York

El cubo mágico

Proyección de cine

Cine infantil

El pequeño dragón Elfy y su amigo Kevin se enfrentan a nuevas y fantásticas aventuras.

Ficha técnica

Título: El cubo mágico
Director: Angel Izquierdo
Año producción: 2007
Formato: DVD
Duración: largometraje - 80 min
País producción: España
Subtitulado: Inglés

Entidades colaboradoras

Junta de Andalucía. Consejería de Cultura

Entrada libre/ Free admission

Instituto Cervantes

Instituto Cervantes at Amster Yard
211-215 East 49th Street
New York, NY 10017
Subway E,V to Lexington Ave-53rd St; 6 to 51st St.
Tlf: 1 212 308 77 20

Monday, May 26, 2008

Benefits of Early Language Learning

Teachers of foreign languages would agree that there are many benefits of early language learning. Learning a language at an early age...
  • Has a positive effect on intellectual growth and enriches and enhances a child's mental development
  • Leaves students with more flexibility in thinking, greater sensitivity to language, and a better ear for listening
    Improves a child's understanding of his/her native language
  • Gives a child the ability to communicate with people s/he would otherwise not have the chance to know
  • Opens the door to other cultures and helps a child understand and appreciate people from other countries
  • Gives a student a head start in language requirements for college
  • Increases job opportunities in many careers where knowing another language is a real asset.
    (Center for Applied Linguistics)
With all these valid reasons, it's inexplicable why are some parents concerned with raising bilingual children. If you're not convinced, take a look at Why, How, and When Should My Child Learn a Second Language? brochure by the Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL) (

Sunday, May 25, 2008

BIENVENIDOS a mi blog: Español para niños


I have been inspired to create this blog in hope to transmit my love and passion for the Spanish language and cultures.

I am a native Spanish-speaker, and have been a Spanish professor for over a decade.I have taught at various levels, including private and public institutions as well as college. Throughout the years, I have compiled an array of useful materials that I feel the need to share with educators, parents, and students.

I hope that through my postings, I can create constructive pedagogical dialogues as well interesting exchanges of materials and resources for teachers of primary grades as well as middle school.

Enjoy my blog!